What's Merry about Christmas by Bralador Ojokojo - TeamAce : The very best of undiluted knowledge


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Friday 23 December 2016

What's Merry about Christmas by Bralador Ojokojo

For everyone i believe we grew up with a certain feeling of Christmas,
Christmas was in the air, you could literally touch it.
This is practically everybody's favourite holiday period, we all do have
fond memories of Christmas. Either good or bad, i did have my own sheer of them.
Gettting back to school in January, for the first week we discussed our
christmas experiences, and we all exaggerated them.Lol.

From the songs, poems, lights, christmas trees, weather changes,some movies that
stood out this period (Home Alone,Love Actually E.t.c) fireworks (a.k.a Banger), the beach,
amusement parks, in recent times shopping malls and cinemas, family
visitations, hamper packs, food gifts, lots of money at hand, christmas clothes
and for those whose parents could afford or our lies could, Christmas in the
west, to truly have a white Christmas. The list is just endless. How can I leave out
Santa Clause ( Father Christmas).

Now there is a new language, 'This doesnt feel like Christmas' and the reason
is because most or all of these things are missing on the Christmas wish list. These things make
in the end what Christmas is all about, most would definitely not agree but our
actions and language prove us wrong.

But what is Christmas really? For we Church folks we would Chorus 'Its the day Jesus was
born' many have argued the veracity of that from a theological point of view, but i am not going there
never a need to. So if this doesnt feel like Christmas, then it doesnt feel like Jesus was born, i know its an
extreme thought but thats the logic. Truth, its not recorded in scripture that Jesus celebrated his birthday.Lol
May be thats what those guys raise up a theological debate about.What we know Christmas to be isnt what
Christmas is about and this we must hold regardless of what is or isnt on our list. Like the common phrase
'the reason for the season'. Come to think of it, Jesus had none of what we have or have had on our list at his birth.
He was born in a manger all because the inns in bethlehem were fully booked out, never been in a manger before
but a place were sheeps are raised what can you expect? The smell, the inconvenience, shepherds were the nurses,
there could have been a tree but not a Christmas one, there was no carol, no fireworks, the star in the sky wasnt for him to see,
i dont think any sheep was killed for a celebration, obviously no malls, his first clothes??? Gifts? He got them at 2.
But was a King born? Yes! One who had heaven's Approval and earth's recognition.

All I want to say with this, is that we may not always have a celebration but a significance we must hold unto.
And this is the significance Salvation became a baby, Grace became a new-born, Heaven put on earthsuit to save
the world from Hell. There are places in this world that have never had a Christmas but that should never deny them of the Christ.

Looking at the list it beams more with what we get for Christmas and hardly about what we give. This day God gave, thats what
its about, most of our childhood memories hing on things we got from christmas, the gifts, cards, the thrill or money et al.
But the focus of Christmas or better still the reason for the day is about a giving, something we all need to learn.
I hope i create memories of Christmas in which i gave not just received things and make this is what Christmas is about for my
kids in the future.

With all these i am not debunking celebration, i just believe  we shouldnt lose significance in celebration or out of celebration.
Christmas is a mission more than its a celebration, so for those who have received this gift from God, its our mission to tell/hand-
over this gift to the rest of the world. Everything we do this period must mirror the significance.
Christmas isnt about love, or family or vacation or enjoyment, its all about JESUS, he is what  all these things get their true
purpose from. Any goodwill this period that doesnt fall on him, really wasnt done for him or is about him.

So I end with my lessons from Christmas; One is Impossible is nothing with God, a virgin birth? Like Mary said 'with God All
things are possible' The most beautiful thing can come from the most difficult circumstances, the most awkward or the most
unlikely. So i look at my story and say, whats impossible? whats difficult? whats awkward? whats unlikely? Then i Just believe
with God they are all but nothing.A Beautiful quote from Daystar Television 'Many babies have
grown up to become Kings, only one King became a Baby' Thats what makes
it a Merry Christmas.

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